Luna llena / full moon


Luna llena

Traer claridad al mundo turbulento.

Protegernos y lléname con fuerza

Para luchar las próximas batallas.


Full moon

Bring clarity to a troubled world.

Protect us and fill me with strength

To fight the upcoming battles.

I am too tired to write more. I may flesh this into more of a poem later. It’s just a start for now.

This election has me thinking about the state of the world, and especially the state of the US. I am worried about my friends of color, my LGBTQ+ friends, and other minority groups. On a personal level, I am worried I will not have access to insurance and won’t have access to birth control and other services offered by healthcare clinics. There is so much at stake right now. I have cried, been angry, and have also been filled with anxiety. I’ve been depressed and ready to fight and everything in between.

I may write more later. For now, I need sleep. I haven’t been getting enough rest this past week.

Stay safe.
